Tuesday, January 7, 2014

365 Photography Challenge - Week One

It's never a simple thing to jump off the ceremonious cliff and do something terrifying. I let the fear of failure nearly paralyze me. I decided that even though letting myself be vulnerable is terrifying the real fear is the fear of regret for not trying. I always knew what I loved to do and I always knew what my passion was, but deciding to put myself out there and make my dream a reality was something I teetered with for several years.

I've watched friends make the transition and I was so inspired by them. I was inspired by the images they were creating, the dream they were making come true for themselves and by their success. Near the end of 2013 I stepped off that cliff and chose to no longer let self-doubt control me.

Throughout 2014 my goal is to find my niche within this amazing profession and somehow be a little different from every other photographer out there. My professional goal for 2014 is to identify my personal style and everyday develop that style. I want to offer people something different and unique and by challenging myself to practice outside my photographic safety zone I hope to become a more confident and more efficient photographer. I will be challenging myself each day to take a photo. With each photo I will concentrate on lighting and composition. I will try new and different editing techniques. I may post the same or similiar photo edited in a different way.

One of the things I love most about photography is there is always, always room to improve. It is so challenging and fullfilling. There is so much to learn, so many different, unique techniques to practice and develop. Along with taking pictures, I will always be learning, exploring and capturing this life that I love so much.

My hope is as the year progresses my photos begin to tell a story. It isn't like me to not include words or captions with my photos, but I will be forcing myself to let my photos do all the writing. I will be stepping outside my comfort zone and each week I will choose a topic for the week. Each day of the week I will post a photo within the topic.

Stick with me, my photos can only get better! I would love and appreciate feedback and critique. Are you also participating in a photo challenge? Let me know, I would LOVE to follow your work.

Week One - Everyday Life:








{Week 2: Farm Chores}

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